Divorce Mediation


If you are thinking about divorce or are in the process of divorcing, mediation is often the best solution to resolve some or all of your issues arising from the relationship breakdown.

Family Mediation


We help decision making about division of property and finances and arrangements for children. We can consult directly with children where appropriate.

Separation Mediation


Help for couples separating where divorce is not involved and for other family members such as grandparents.

Family Mediation in Hampshire

Evolve Mediation is an accredited UK mediation service dedicated to improving the lives of adults and children by resolving their family disputes.

Are you separating? Getting divorced? Worried about how this will change things? You need confidential, independent and non-judgemental divorce information from a trusted source.

Why choose Evolve Mediation Service?

Michael Laycock qualified as a family mediator in 1996 and has successfully mediated hundreds of cases for couples experiencing a relationship breakdown. He worked as a divorce solicitor specialising in Family Law for 25 years before forming Evolve Mediation Services in Bournemouth and Southampton in 2004.

Both the Family Mediation Council and the Legal Services Commission (now Legal Aid Agency) fully recognise Michael as an official and accredited family mediator.

Michael is also fully qualified to provide both Mediation Information and Assessment Meetings (MIAMs) and Family Mediation forms (FM1) as well as Ministry of Justice non means tested £500 voucher in child cases.

Michael provides Online Mediation.

The benefits of family mediation

  • Private & confidential
  • Minimise the negative impact on children
  • Talk to a neutral party in a safe and informal setting
  • Usually faster & cheaper than going to court
  • Your legal rights are not affected
  • It is voluntary & you are in control of the outcome
  • Tailored solutions that benefit all parties

Disputes that are resolved through family mediation services can be quicker, cheaper and less acrimonious than those settled through courts. Have a look at mediation prices.

Call Evolve Mediation for a consultation on 02380 812 983